My Philosophy
With a passion for ecology, the arts, sociology, psychology and health, my philosophy is shaped by a toolkit of concepts and systems that I use for all my work from brand strategy to artmaking to teaching.

Learning about the internal state of the body by better understanding the earth and its systems

The Rhizome
Visualizing the power of decentralized thinking derived from rhizomatic systems like plants, slime molds, the internet and AI

Understanding the micro mirrors the macro within systems (examples include an intern emulating structures created by the CEO or the health of the cell as a subset of the health of a species and the earth)

Cyclical Models
Rethinking linear systems as circular ones (examples include feedback loops, virtuous or vicious cycles, circular economy and the virtuality continuum)

Network Theory:
Strength of Weak Ties
Tapping into the strength of "weak ties" for innovation and cross-disciplinary thinking

Emphasizing the existence of complex systems via the collective and its interdependent relationships

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Using Maslow's Hierarchy to reframe consumer or student needs

Embracing the in-between, blurry, and expansiveness of a lens that rejects either-or thinking

Fungal Futures
Looking towards the resilience of fungi as decentralized communicators, toxin-transformers, biomaterials and reinvigorators of ecosystems